Appeal Letter: Support for Northern residents affected by the storm and flooding

By now, not only we, but millions of fellow Vietnamese, are deeply feeling the sorrow and devastation that has struck the northern region of our country following the destruction of Storm No. 3. The number of casualties is rising alarmingly, while the economic losses are beyond measure. Through this letter, Vinacam Group earnestly calls upon our agents, companies, friends, colleagues, and all of our employees to extend a helping hand in this time of great need.

Dear Agents, Businesses, Partners, and Colleagues

By now, not only we, but millions of fellow Vietnamese, are deeply feeling the sorrow and devastation that has struck the northern region of our country following the destruction of Storm No. 3. In recent days, the names of provinces such as Quảng Ninh, Yên Bái, Thái Nguyên, Lào Cai, Phú Thọ... have appeared frequently across all media outlets. The number of casualties is rising alarmingly, while the economic losses are beyond measure.

Our hearts ache as we hear of places like Làng Nủ, once a peaceful village, suddenly reduced to ruins, with nearly 100 people either dead or missing while they slept. Our hearts break, and our eyes well with tears, knowing that in Bảo Yên District, Lào Cai Province, 30 children have tragically lost their lives due to flooding. In particular, Phúc Khánh Commune’s Kindergarten No. 1, Làng Nủ Village, lost 7 of its 18 children, the youngest being just 2 years old. It's not just Làng Nủ – across the northern border provinces, in addition to the hundreds of local casualties, many volunteers, police officers, and soldiers have sacrificed their lives while rescuing others in the floodwaters.

The entire nation is focused on the flood-affected regions, and the global community is collaborating with our government to deliver urgent relief. Now, more than ever, the value of every contribution—whether money, rice, instant noodles, oil, salt, blankets, or building materials—is evident. Tonight, we will present the initial donation of 500,000,000 VND from Vinacam Group’s welfare fund and staff contributions to Tuổi Trẻ Newspaper at the City’s Children Cultural House.Through this letter, Vinacam Group earnestly calls upon our agents, companies, friends, colleagues, and all of our employees to extend a helping hand in this time of great need.

Vinacam Group is working closely with Tuổi Trẻ Newspaper to ensure that all of your contributions and aid are delivered fully and transparently to those affected by Storm No. 3, just as we have previously done with the school sponsorship funds for disadvantaged students over the years.

We sincerely express our deepest gratitude and, on behalf of those in the frontlines of our country facing adversity, we offer our heartfelt thanks to all who have generously partnered with Vinacam in this critical relief effort.

All donations can be transferred to the following account Vinacam Group Joint Stock Company:

Công Ty Cổ Phần Tập Đoàn Vinacam:

Account number 116 0000 83833 (VNĐ) 

VietinBank – Thủ Thiêm Branch, Ho Chi Minh City

Or directly to

Tuổi Trẻ Newspaper:

Account number 113 00000 6100 (VNĐ) 

VietinBank – Branch 3, Ho Chi Minh City.

Transfer details: Support for victims affected by storm No. 3

vinacam group
